Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nice to Meet You, I'm...

It has recently occurred to me that I am not well understood sometimes. I know I'm a very complex person, and I've been trying to make getting to know me less difficult. I like to have my secrets, but I also like to be a real person. No two-face here. So, here are a few fill-in-the-blanks from Braid Creative to peel back the layers about me.

1. First Impression. “People always think I’m intense when they first meet me.”
2. Behind Your Back (In a Good Way). “I’ve heard people say that you can always count on me to get things done.”
3. Apples to Oranges (Comparison). “I know that Cardinal PR members wishes they could be assertive like I do.”
4. Love You or Hate You. “But I also know that when I talk about feminism or post a lot on Facebook, people either love it or hate it. That’s okay, it’s just part of my personal brand.”
5. Ah, The Twist (a.k.a. The Next Layer). But it always surprises people after they (meet me, work with me, get to know me) that I am very sensitive, and they really love/respect it.”
Here's the deal: I'm tough on the inside, but I watch the Devil Wears Prada or Bride Wars at least once a week. I started out loving PR, but focus on weddings because, to me, love is one of the most honest things we can have in our lives. I am seemingly an open book, but can be really shy about personal things. I hate PDA. I love nothing more than seeing my cats. I'm a big goofball, but I hate goofing off at school/work.
I'm hard to understand, and that's ok.


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